Sample Requirements

At the Emory NPRC Genomics Core, we have experience extracting RNA from a variety of different sample types preserved in different media. However, we find that some methods yield better quality results and would prefer samples to be submitted in these formats when possible. Please be aware that providing non-standard sample types may incur delays.

Sample TypeRecommended Submission
Extracted RNAWe work with a wide range of RNA concentrations, and prefer to receive an aliquot of at least 15µL. Low concentration RNA samples should be stored in non-stick microcentrifuge tubes.
TissueSnap freeze a small piece of tissue (no larger than 0.5cm3) in a round-bottom microcentrifuge tube.
CellsPellet cells in a microcentrifuge tube, remove media, and resuspend in 350µL of Qiagen Buffer RLT (for RNeasy) or 700µL of QIAzol or Trizol (for miRNeasy). If you will be sorting very low numbers of cells (<20,000) please contact us ahead of time for additional guidance on sample prep.
Whole BloodCollect blood directly into PAXgene RNA Blood Tubes, making sure to follow the mixing directions during collection. If you have the ability/capacity to isolate PBMCs at the time of sample collection, this is also a preferred option for whole blood transcriptomics.

When submitting libraries prepared in your own laboratory, be sure to let us know which kit you used to prepare the libraries, which indices have been used for each sample, and what sequencing configuration you would like to run. Please provide at least 50µL of a 15nM library pool in a low-bind microfuge tube (contact us to discuss submitting lower volume/concentration samples as we do have options available to handle this). We will also accept the individual libraries in a 96-well plate if you would like us to perform QC, normalization and pooling services prior to sequencing.

Please check the recommended concentration range for your requested assay. We require at least 3µL for Bioanalyzer projects, and 5µL for TapeStation or Qubit projects.

BioanalyzerConcentration RangeSize Range
RNA Nano25 – 500 ng/µL
RNA Pico0.05 – 5 ng/µL
High Sensitivity DNA0.005 – 0.5 ng/µL50 – 7000 bp
TapeStationConcentration RangeSize Range
RNA25 – 500 ng/µL100 – 6000 nt
RNA-HS1 – 25 ng/µL100 – 6000 nt
D1000-HS0.01 – 1 ng/µL35 – 1000 bp
D5000-HS0.01 – 1 ng/µL100 – 5000 bp
Genomic DNA5 – 300 ng/µL200 – >60000 bp
Qubit(1– 20µL can be run)Concentration RangeDetectable Nucleic Acid
RNA (high sensitivity)0.25 – 100 ng/µL5 – 100 ng
RNA (broad range)1 – 1000 ng/µL20 – 1000 ng
DNA (high sensitivity)0.01 – 100 ng/µL0.2 – 100 ng